Tuesday, June 20th at 11 am EST
On Tuesday, June 20th at 11 am EST, we held the release launch of our Electrifying Transit issue paper highlighting one of the unique opportunities from the federal climate infrastructure package- greening buses, creating jobs, while increasing the health and wealth of our communities. We hosted a press conference and educational webinar highlighting key findings from the report as well answering questions to the research and recommendations.
Goal for this paper: We’ve heard much about the transition to electric vehicles, but the discussion has largely focused on electrification of passenger vehicles. Cars are already expensive to own, maintain and operate and prices are trending upwards. More and more people will likely be priced out of the passenger vehicle market. This paper hones in on needs related to expanding and electrifying public transportation and the down payment made towards meeting those needs in the federal climate infrastructure package. While there are significant upfront costs to electrifying public transportation and school buses, the health, environmental and economic benefits far exceed the costs. Plus, with the right approach we can maximize the benefits of those public investments by combining our collective buying power and demanding the new buses be made in Appalachia.
Speakers included:
- Tracy Sabetta, Moms Clean Air Force Ohio
- Garrett Oester, Research Associate Volunteer with ReImagine Appalachia
- Mayor Steve Patterson, City of Athens, Ohio
- Savannah Gupton, Center for Transportation and the Environment
Resources shared during presentation:
- Moms Clean Air Force Ohio
- Moms Clean Air Force Electric School Bus Program
- EPA School Bus Program
- National League of Cities Local Infrastructure Hub
- Transit for All– Pennsylvania: a partner we work with to increase ridership
- Green power in West Virginia makes electric buses
- WV, OH, and KY are also engaged in a Tennessee Tech project to demo EVs in public transit and develop the EV infrastructure
- Detailed look at how utility grids may be affected by fleet electrification