Past Events

ReImagining Your Community Series Launch

By March 29, 2022May 31st, 2022No Comments

ReImagine Beaver County started with nearly 70 people participating in the first visioning session. Leaders and entrepreneurs of sustainable initiatives started off the event followed by panel presentations with participants discussing and sharing their roundtable visioning responses to the question, “What types of sustainable development would you like to see in Beaver County?”

On a giant map of Beaver County, break-out groups drew their ideas or wrote
them on Post-Its that they affixed to the map; then a few members of each table reported out to the larger group. That process, the ideas it generated, and the wonderful positive spirit of the evening carried on to several other listening sessions leading to the ReImagine Beaver County visioning book that you can view here.

On March 29th, we brought some of the original conveners of these visioning sessions, Heather Harr of League of Women Voters PA, Joanne Martin from ReImagine Beaver County, and Downstream Strategies who shared case studies of community wide visioning that works across sectors while providing tools to host your own visioning session within your community!

Watch a recording of the event here: