This collection is an attempt to catalog practical resources from our institutions of higher learning across the Ohio River Valley that are accessible to the nonprofit community, municipalities and their intermediaries, as well as the general public. Below please find grant-writing, small business, law clinic resources and other education resources.

Resource list…
Grant-writing services:
- Allegheny College – Allegheny College developed a grant-writing course in which students work with organizations and government agencies and hone their skills.
- West Virginia University and Marshall University West Virginia Grant Resource Centers – The Grant Centers will support proposals focused on workforce and community development, outdoor recreation, job creation and retention, as well as infrastructure and site development. These initiatives aim to address state challenges and seize emerging economic opportunities.
- University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The Environmental Law & Policy Clinic offers free legal and policy services to nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses. Their work focuses on three main goals: advancing climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, ensuring environmental justice, and promoting green, equitable economic opportunities. This includes support with grant writing for programs such as IRA, CHIPS, and BIL, as well as other state and local grants.
Law Clinics:
West Virginia University College of Law Land Use and Sustainable Development Clinic (LUSD)- The LUSD Clinic offers legal services to help develop land conservation strategies and practices to local governments, landowners, and nonprofits.
Penn State Law – Penn State Law funds the clinic and students, who have experience studying copyrights, trademarks, agency and partnership, corporate law, taxation, contracts, torts, and other subjects related to the art, sports, and entertainment fields, assist with legal matters.
Penn State Law Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic – The Clinic operates similar to a small law firm, and offers students the opportunity to represent entrepreneurs, startups, and nonprofit organizations.
Dickinson Law School offers services to PA – The clinic represents underserved populations living near or below the poverty line in matters such as family law, disability law, and other areas where they need legal assistance.
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The Environmental Law & Policy Clinic offers free legal and policy services to nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses. Their services align with three primary objectives: promoting local climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, ensuring environmental justice for all communities, and supporting green, equitable economic development. The clinic also assists with grant writing for programs such as IRA, CHIPS, BIL, and other state and local funding opportunities.
Economic impact research, for example around sustainable development:
West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics Data Driven WV – Data Driven WV delivers data-driven, technical insights and solutions by connecting WVU students with organizations, such as business, nonprofits and government entities.
University of Tennessee refers to The Baker School Center for Energy, Transportation, and Environmental Policy – CETEP is a multidisciplinary network of scholars and partners that spans the University of Tennessee, various government levels, nonprofits, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and industry stakeholders. Their mission is to tackle key energy and environmental issues by conducting policy-relevant research and providing educational opportunities that blend natural, physical, and social sciences.
Penn State Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education Extension in College of Agriculture- This Extension program works to meet real-world needs, addressing topics such as farm and food business profitability, farm safety, youth and family development, consumer choices about food and health, and water and energy policy.
Colorado State University Center for the New Energy Economy refers to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Economic Analysis – NREL informs our transition to a secure, clean, and affordable energy future through their work conducting credible, objective analysis, developing tools, and building data resources.
Agricultural extension services:
West Virginia University works with WVU Extension Agents – WVU Extension Agents offer practical economic strategies and other critical resources to farmers. Areas of focus are: Agribusiness & Farm Management; Agriculture Learning Activities; Agritourism; Beekeeping; Drought Resources; Horticulture; Livestock; Pasture, Hay & Forage; Small Farm Center; Sustainable Agriculture; and Women in Agriculture.
West Virginia University refers to WV State Extension – WV State Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) offers research-based educational programs and technical support to farmers, commodity groups, and agribusinesses. It provides guidance on horticulture and pest management while emphasizing alternative agriculture, sustainability, urban forestry, cold storage/post-harvest technology, and adaptive gardening for communities and youth.
Penn State Agricultural Extension – The Penn State Extension, a modern educational organization, is dedicated to providing science-based information to the public.
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – Among other services, the clinic can help with agricultural land preservation services such as conservation easement, enrollment in government land protection programs, and more.
Colorado State University Extension – No matter where you live, The Colorado State University Extension will offer solutions based on the unique issues, concerns and needs in your community.
Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Extension – This Extension program is dedicated to enhancing and sustaining the environmental quality of Ohio through a variety of services, such as youth development and leadership and applying technology to agricultural production. At its core, the Extension operates from the knowledge that science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.
Individual leadership support, such as coaching
West Virginia University’s John Chambers College of Business and Economics’ Center for Career Development (CCD) – By facilitating specialized programs, creating internship and full-time opportunities, and crafting connections between students and employers, the CCD assists students with career path choices that match their interests, skills, and aspirations.
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The clinic works alongside the Pitt Center for Sustainable Business on c-suite sustainability leadership.
Community development support, such as the development of climate action plans or grassroots visioning:
West Virginia University Rural Community Development – WVU’ 2024-2025 Course Catalog offers courses related to rural community development.
West Virginia University Center for Resilient Communities (CRC) – The CRC works hard to advance community-engaged research and education programs with the goal of generating knowledge and empowering individuals. This work aims to build more just, equitable, and vibrant communities in West Virginia, the greater Appalachian region, and beyond.
West Virginia University refers to Fourth Economy Consulting – Fourth Economy Consulting assists public and private clients with taking meaningful action to support innovative, equitable, and sustainable outcomes through consulting services in economic strategy, resilience, and equity.
Penn State Local Climate Action Program (LCAP) – Through partnerships with upper-level Penn State students with Pennsylvania’s local governments, LCAP supports work to determine a community’s contribution to climate change. Ultimately, LCAP assists local governments in developing plans to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
Penn State Sustainable Communities Collaborative (SCC) – The SCC connects local communities with Penn State faculty, staff, and students to collaborate on sustainability challenges.
University of Pittsburgh Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) – The CSB specializes in research around education and training, as well as critical thought leadership. Through this work, the CSB educates companies on how to leverage their investments in sustainability across all functions of their organization in order to create improved business and societal outcomes.
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The Environmental Law & Policy Clinic offers free legal and policy services to nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses. Their services align with three primary objectives: promoting local climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, ensuring environmental justice for all communities, and supporting green, equitable economic development. The clinic also assists with grant writing for programs such as IRA, CHIPS, BIL, and other state and local funding opportunities.
Colorado State University Center for the New Energy Economy refers to Community Builders – Community Builders work closely with local partners looking to shape strong, livable communities. Simultaneously, they provide information, tools, resources, and support to community leaders working to improve their communities.
Workforce development programs:
West Virginia University Industrial Extension (WVUIE)– WVUIE specializes in cultivating business processes and leadership that cultivate leadership, nurture employee retention, and foster a thriving organizational culture. Through their initiatives and training programs, WVUIE supports planning to develop effective leadership skills, enhance communication channels, retain talent, and streamline work processes.
University of Pittsburgh Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) – The CSB specializes in research around education and training, as well as critical thought leadership. Through this work, the CSB educates companies on how to leverage their investments in sustainability across all functions of their organization in order to create improved business and societal outcomes.
Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)’s Center for Education, Innovation & Training (CEIT): This new state-of-the-art educational facility opened its doors in 2024 and is home to Community College of Allegheny County’s new Culinary Arts Institute, as well as educational opportunities in high-tech and high-demand emerging career fields.
Disaster Preparedness and Relief:
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The Environmental Law & Policy Clinic offers free legal and policy services to nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses. Their services align with three primary objectives: promoting local climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, ensuring environmental justice for all communities, and supporting green, equitable economic development. The clinic also assists with grant writing for programs such as IRA, CHIPS, BIL, and other state and local funding opportunities.
West Virginia University Disaster Preparedness Extension – WVU Extension Service experts can help users understand the precautions to take when faced with a variety of disasters, such as flooding, disease outbreaks, earthquakes, snowstorms, tornados and more.
Business and Entrepreneurial Resources:
Penn State Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) – PennTAP “helps PA businesses thrive through expert support and innovation.”
University of Pittsburgh Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) – The CSB specializes in research around education and training, as well as critical thought leadership. Through this work, the CSB educates companies on how to leverage their investments in sustainability across all functions of their organization in order to create improved business and societal outcomes.
University of Pittsburgh School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Clinic – The Environmental Law & Policy Clinic offers free legal and policy services to nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses. Their services align with three primary objectives: promoting local climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, ensuring environmental justice for all communities, and supporting green, equitable economic development. The clinic also assists with grant writing for programs such as IRA, CHIPS, BIL, and other state and local funding opportunities.
West Virginia University Vantage Ventures – Vantage Ventures recognizes the critical role entrepreneurial founders play in economic growth, and has seen over 60 founders diligently work toward economic empowerment, sustainable development, and community resilience.
Penn State Climate Consortium – As a new collective of internal and external partners, the Penn State Climate Consortium identifies, creates, and implements research-based solutions to climate change.
University of Tennessee refers to Appalachian Justice Research Center (AJRC)– The AJRC, co-sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Law, supports transdisciplinary research and training and works to advance community visions for a more just and equitable Appalachia and the Mountain South.
Colorado State University Center for the New Energy Economy refers to Dept of Energy and NREL’s WindExchange – This resource provides great information by state on state electricity mix and wind energy potential, and more.