Tuesday, October 29th at 2PM EST
The story of our coalition is now a book! ReImagine Appalachia, Healing the Land and Empowering the People, is available for educators and students to learn about how we moved from ideation to action, and how we are moving our region forward as a leader in economic diversification and policies that benefit communities, workers, and the environment. Are you an educator or student? Then check out our full recorded event!
Speakers included:
- Patricia DeMarco Ph.D, Editor of ReImagine Appalachia: Healing the Land and Empowering the People, Principal Associate, Main Street and Associates in Braddock, PA
- Jessica Arriens, Program Manager, Climate & Energy Policy at National Wildlife Federation
- Stephen Herzenberg, Co-Director, ReImagine Appalachia
- Michael Finewood, Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Studies and Science at Pace University; The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS)
Resources Shared during event
- Please find the ReImagine website about university resources from grant-writing to law clinics here. If you have any resources to submit, please use this form here – we are trying to be comprehensive and helpful to our collective community!
- You can buy the book through Springer Nature here. Of course, Amazon is cheaper but please proceed at your own ethical risks in ordering from Amazon! A note on the sticker shock: this is a small run publication geared towards educational institutions.
Links/Information Shared in the Chat:
- Note: the feature documentary “Join or Die” (2023) illustrating the work of Robert Putnam (“Bowling Alone”), now in Netflix. (Scroll down to “upcoming (local) community screenings” on this community-building film website.) This is “a film about why you should join a ‘club’ — and why the fate of America depends on it.” Film maker Pete Davis (Wash DC) talks about his new documentary on the “Jesuitical” young-adult faith-community Podcast (48m, May 2023 AMERICA Media, NYC) with co-host Zac Davis. See the related book, in the film, co-authored by Putnam “The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again” (2020). See also film maker’s book Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing.
- “The power of joined voices manifest in public policy….ReImagine Appalachia is useful as a source of case study for social studies; for a documentation of the process for addressing the complex issues of climate, sustainability and energy transformation.”
- AESS – Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences – AESS also has a Syllabus Databank for sustainability topics.
- Video of PA labor leader advocating for clean jobs
- Information from Kenneth Thompson: “i am a psychiatrist focused on addressing the deaths of despair and the crisis of social isolation. my focus is on the role of the social infrastructure and collective emotions. see www.visiblehandscollaborative.org, [email protected]“
- You can see the policy briefs that informed ReImagine’s blueprint here — gives a better sense of what clean energy policies the coalition looked at to shape the blueprint: