Past Events

From Fridge to Furnace: Energy Efficiency for Your Buildings and Community

By March 23, 2023March 29th, 2023No Comments

Thursday, March 23rd at noon

ReImagine Appalachia Faith in Action, Energy Efficient West Virginia, PA Interfaith Power and Light, and the Evangelical Environmental Network on Thursday, March 23rd at noon hosted a webinar to show how congregations and non-profits can save money through energy efficiency. There are new resources for assistance and you can learn from faith groups working to make these changes in their houses of worship and their local communities. 

Speakers included:

  • Rev. Robin Blakeman, Energy Efficient West Virginia, West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light
  • Kim Anderson, Evangelical Environmental Network
  • Kathleen Hrabovsky, Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light
  • Colby May, Energy for Mission
  • Jamal Lewis, Rewiring America

Resources shared during the presentation:

Interfaith Power and Light Cool Congregations:
