Past Events

Faith in Action: ReImagine Your Community Introductory Information Session

By June 20, 2022March 8th, 2023No Comments

Thursday, June 23rd at noon

We held our “Faith in Action: ReImagine Your Community” initiative introductory information session on Thursday, June 23rd. The ReImagine Appalachia Faith Team has launched this initiative to help rebuild our towns, counties, and regions through sustainable development, and in a way that is anchored in faith. We are proud to share our newly-launched toolkit for holding community listening sessions and building a plan for moving forward from those sessions.  We are now looking for folks to help lead this type of process in their own backyard!

This introductory information session was open to anyone interested in potentially leading a “Faith in Action: ReImagine Your Community” process in the communities that are home to their places of worship. At this session, attendees found more about the program, what it entails, and potentially sign up to join us.

Important links shared during this event:

Videos shared during this event:

Want to see what the “ReImagine Your Community” model of community organizing and visioning is all about? Check out the video and see how resident of Beaver County, Pennsylvania spearheaded this fun and engaging process:

Evangelical Environment Network Video: Creation is worth defending: