Thursday, June 20th from 6-7:30 PM EST

On Thursday, June 20th from 6-7:30 PM ET, ReImagine Appalachia, the Climate Action PA, The Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Earthjustice, FarmerJawn held an in-depth webinar into the Farm Bill process, its various impacts, and how it could support our local farmers in playing a larger role in climate solutions.
This vital legislation represents the largest investment in rural and farming communities in decades. The far-reaching implications of the Farm Bill include crop insurance, nutritional assistance for low-income families, climate smart agricultural practices, conservation programs, and more. Anti-environment members of Congress are working to slash these incredibly popular programs that support both nutrition and our farmers in implementing practices to increase sustainability and create more resilient food systems. Redirecting or eliminating essential funding would not just hurt farmers, deepen food insecurity and weaken food systems, but it would set us back in properly addressing the climate crisis.
We heard from The Carnegie Endowment for Peace regarding their new podcast, “Barbecue Earth”, where they educated listeners on all things Farm Bill and the climate smart practices that it supports. Peter Lehner of Earthjustice shed light on the legal battle for climate smart agriculture in the Farm Bill, and we heard directly from local farmer FarmerJawn about the benefits for her farm and city.