
The Build Back Better Act Can Create A Half Million Jobs for Appalachia

By December 16, 2021No Comments

ReImagine Appalachia has been working with several organizations and labor unions to secure the passage of the Build Back Better Act. We must keep our eye on the ball: the Build Back Better Act will create the jobs that are necessary for revitalizing the economy AND rebuilding Appalachia.

We are not just talking about a short burst of jobs being created – we are talking about a long-term investment in our workers that will lay the foundation for a prosperous and sustainable economy. We cannot have climate justice without worker justice, and that means paid union wages and benefits.

This is our one chance to prioritize both the health of our local economies and of our environment. Appalachia has long powered the economic prosperity of this nation. It’s time we create good jobs in 21st Century industries for all Appalachians – of every color, creed and background.

We need your help to ensure the secure passage of the Build Back Better Act: reach out to your representatives and ask them to make sure the Build Back Better Act passes.

Take action here: https://secure.everyaction.com/eVTylk_RdECFRuc0ySA4wg2