
ReImagine Appalachia 2024 Strategy Summit: Stories of Hope: ReImagining Communities with Federal Climate Resources

By January 29, 2024No Comments

Stories of Hope: ReImagining Appalachian Communities with Federal Climate Resources: We’ll hear from Appalachian community leaders about how federal climate infrastructure resources are helping to set the stage for a brighter future for our communities and workers in the Ohio River Valley region of Appalachia. How can we use incremental successes to communicate the extent of new opportunities for the region? What’s the story we need to be telling and why does it matter?

Joanne Kilgour, Executive Director, Ohio River Valley Institute
Amelia Bandy, Executive Director, Economic Development Greater East (EDGE)
Katie Loudin, Director of Strategic Development, WV Community Development Hub
Wendy Tarr, Executive Director, ARCH ReEntry
Kitty French, Communications & Marketing Director, ACT Ohio