Thursday, February 6th, ReImagine Appalachia live-streamed a webinar with two residents of McDowell County, West Virginia, and two activist pastors who shared what day-to-day life is like amidst the area’s worsening drinking water crisis.
Thursday, February 6th, ReImagine Appalachia live-streamed a webinar with two residents of McDowell County, West Virginia, and two activist pastors who shared what day-to-day life is like amidst the area’s worsening drinking water crisis.
Friday, March 7th at 11am via Zoom! Bring a cup of coffee and your energy to converse and learn from your neighbors!
February 26, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 12, 2025
February 12, 2025
February 12, 2025
Working from the ground up
We’ve gathered visions from around the region and received input from scores of community leaders. Our endorsements come from organizations representing the voices of millions of residents across four states in the Ohio River Valley: Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
Create new opportunities for extractive industry workers and build career ladders for young people from all races and backgrounds.
Publicly funded projects should come with strong wages, benefit and diversity requirements, and union rights.
People moving out of extractive industries have skills we need to create the world we want.
Build pathways for women and people of color into union jobs and family-sustaining careers.
”We can create good jobs while putting our region’s energy dollars to better use.
National climate change legislation and federal economic stimulus packages are opportunities to bring much-needed resources into our region. We must be at the table, together, if we want to get a deal that works for us.
Clean up abandoned properties and put them back to good use. And provide health care and secure pensions for coal workers, especially those with black lung disease.
By upgrading our antiquated electric system, expanding broadband, and making our homes and businesses more energy efficient, we cut emissions, save money and create new jobs.
Our vision grows manufacturing in the region. Federal investments will help us repurpose shuttered coal plants, turning them into eco-industrial parks. Together, we can spur more energy efficient manufacturing and reduce operating costs in a way that doesn’t involve lowering wages.
By laying rail and expanding infrastructure for electric vehicles fueled by renewables, we can create good jobs while putting half of our region’s energy dollars to better use.
To absorb carbon, we can put people to work expanding our forests, wetlands, and sustainable farms. Give hiring priority to returning citizens caught up in the “war on drugs” and opioid epidemic.
”Everyone is more successful when people are paid a living wage.
We must improve job quality for working people in all industries by raising the minimum wage and providing them with real rights to form a union.
Taking Action Now
We’re working to ensure the people of Appalachia have a say in how our region rebuilds.