Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 at Noon ET
On Tuesday, April 16th at Noon ET, we held a webinar discussing a new report highlights opportunities to build the workforce while improving our region’s land and increasing our resiliency to climate change.
With its abundance of forests, wetlands, and farmland, Appalachia is rich in carbon-absorbing natural resources. Along with the mountains, valleys and streams they define Appalachia and the people who call this place home. For too long, however, the Appalachian region has been exploited by absentee corporations in the extractive industries, leaving much of the region dealing with the dual issue of economic instability and damaged lands. Climate change is accentuating the region’s challenges, as the region faces more frequent and severe weather events, particularly floods. The good news is that, with the right investments, we can repair our damaged lands while helping to tackle climate change through reforestation and wetland restoration. Done right, workforce development programs can contribute to enhance and restore natural infrastructure and build pathways into family-sustaining careers for people with significant barriers to employment.
This webinar featured a panel moderated by Jessica Arriens National Wildlife Federation
Speakers included:
- Rike Rothenstein, Senior Research Associate, ReImagine Appalachia
- Sadie Meade, Workforce Development Director, Rural Action
- Leroy Mabins, Director of Programs, Trade Institute of Pittsburgh
- Vince Irvin, Apprentice Coordinator, Ohio Laborers’ Training Center
- Read the Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative (ARRI) blog
- Action Alert: Support ARRI
- National Wildlife Federation funding database for natural infrastructure projects